Detailed balance method for chemical potential determination in Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations.

Autor: Fay, Patrick J., Ray, John R., Wolf, Ralph J.
Zdroj: Journal of Chemical Physics; 2/1/1994, Vol. 100 Issue 3, p2154, 7p
Abstrakt: We present a new, nondestructive, method for determining chemical potentials in Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations. The method estimates a value for the chemical potential such that one has a balance between fictitious successful creation and destruction trials in which the Monte Carlo method is used to determine success or failure of the creation/destruction attempts; we thus call the method a detailed balance method. The method allows one to obtain estimates of the chemical potential for a given species in any closed ensemble simulation; the closed ensemble is paired with a ‘‘natural’’ open ensemble for the purpose of obtaining creation and destruction probabilities. We present results for the Lennard-Jones system and also for an embedded atom model of liquid palladium, and compare to previous results in the literature for these two systems. We are able to obtain an accurate estimate of the chemical potential for the Lennard-Jones system at higher densities than reported in the literature. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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