Ethnic minority needs and service delivery: The barriers to access in a Glasgow inner‐city area.

Autor: McFarland, Elaine, Dalton, Mike, Walsh, Dave
Zdroj: Journal of Ethnic & Migration Studies; Apr1989, Vol. 15 Issue 3, p405-415, 11p
Abstrakt: The article discusses a research survey carried out in an inner‐city area of Glasgow. The survey had a qualitative focus, with an attempt to establish ethnic minority needs in the fields of childcare services, care of the elderly, and advice and information. A low level of expectation and awareness of services was uncovered. This was found to reflect both the generally inadequate level of existing provision, and a lack of success on the part of service providers in communicating what actually is available. All these factors contribute to clear patterns of low utilisation from among ethnic communities. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
Databáze: Complementary Index