Social Network Intervention in Intensive Family-Based Preventive Services.

Autor: Whittaker, James K., Tracy, Elizabeth M.
Zdroj: Prevention in Human Services; Feb1991, Vol. 9 Issue 1, p175-192, 18p
Abstrakt: This paper describes two agency-based research and development projects designed to enhance the social support resources available to families at risk of disruption through the placement of one or more children in out-of-home care. Included are (a) descriptions of the development of an instrument (Social Network Map, Tracy &Whittaker, in press) for rapidly assessing client network resources and strains; and (b) description of needs assessment, development of staff training in network assessment, development of collaborative case consultation model for pilot testing and empirical evaluating social support interventions. Issues for future research and clinical applications are explored. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
Databáze: Complementary Index