Purification and steady state kinetic mechanism of glycogen synthase-D from human polymorpho-nuclear leukocytes.

Autor: Plesner, Liselotte, Plesner, Igor, Esmann, Viggo
Zdroj: Molecular & Cellular Biochemistry; Jul1976, Vol. 12 Issue 1, p45-61, 17p
Abstrakt: The authors' work on the purification and steady state kinetic investigation of the enzyme glycogen synthase D (UDP-glucose: glycogen 4- α-glucosyl-transferase, EC from human polymorphonuclear leukocytes is reviewed. The main features of the kinetic mechanism for catalysis of the reaction UDPG + glycogen ⇌ UDP + glycogen are: (i) Lineweaver-Burk plots in both substrates are linear, exhibiting intersecting patterns; (ii) UDP is a competitive, respectively noncompetitive, inhibitor towards the substrates UDPG and glycogen; (iii) the essential activator glucose-6-phosphate (G-6-P) showed an intersecting pattern towards glycogen and an equilibrium ordered pattern towards UDPG. These features identify in this case the mechanism as a rapid equilibrium random bi-bi mechanism, with G-6-P adding to the enzyme prior to the substrate UDPG. New results on the influence of the modifiers NaCl, Ca, Mn, Mg, HPO, SO, and ATP on the enzyme are reported. Interpreting the observations in terms of the established mechanism, the following results are obtained: The effect of salt (NaCl) is nonspecific and fairly small, probably reflecting a general action of the electrolyte medium on the conformation of the enzyme. Divalent cations affect only the rate limiting step, i.e. the interconversion of the quaternary enzyme-substrate-activator complexes. The anions interact exclusively with the G-6-P binding site of the enzyme. The dissociation constants for the enzyme-modifier complexes are determined, and a kinetic mechanism for the action of the anions is proposed, leading to activation or inhibition, depending on the concentration of G-6-P. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index