Common-Centroid Capacitor Placement Considering Systematic and Random Mismatches in Analog Integrated Circuits.

Autor: Cheng-Wu Lin, Jai-Ming Lin, Yen-Chih Chiu, Chun-Po Huang, Soon-Jyh Chang
Zdroj: DAC: Annual ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference; Jun2011, p528-533, 6p, 8 Diagrams, 1 Chart, 1 Graph
Abstrakt: One of the most important issues during the analog layout phase is to achieve accurate capacitance ratios. However, systematic and random mismatches will affect the accuracy of the capacitance ratios. A common-centroid placement is helpful to reduce the systematic mismatch, but it still needs the property of high dispersion to reduce the random mismatch [10]. To deal with this problem, we propose a simulated annealing [15] based approach to construct a common-centroid placement which exhibits the highest possible degree of dispersion. To facilitate this framework, we first propose the pair-sequence representation to represent a common-centroid placement. Then, we present three operations to perturb the representation, which can increase the degree of dispersion without breaking the common-centroid constraint in the resulting placement. Finally, to enhance the efficiency of our simulated annealing based approach, we propose three techniques to speed up our program. The experimental results show that our placements can simultaneously achieve smaller oxide-gradientinduced mismatch and larger overall correlation coefficients (i.e., higher degree of dispersion) than [10] in all test cases. Besides, our program can run much faster than [10] in larger benchmarks. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index