Analysis of withanolides in root and leaf of Withania somnifera by HPLC with photodiode array and evaporative light scattering detection.

Autor: Chaurasiya, Narayan Das, Uniyal, Girish Chandra, Lal, Payare, Misra, Laxminarain, Sangwan, Neelam Singh, Tuli, Rakesh, Sangwan, Rajender Singh
Zdroj: Phytochemical Analysis; Mar2008, Vol. 19 Issue 2, p148-154, 7p
Abstrakt: A reversed-phase HPLC method for the simultaneous analysis of nine structurally similar withanolides, namely, 27-hydroxy withanone, 17-hydroxy withaferin A, 17-hydroxy-27-deoxy withaferin A, withaferin A, withanolide D, 27-hydroxy withanolide B, withanolide A, withanone and 27-deoxywithaferin A, has been developed using a linear binary gradient solvent system comprising methanol and water containing 0.1% acetic acid. Both photodiode array and evaporative light scattering detection were used to profile the extract compositions and to quantify the withanolides therein. Homogeneity and purity of each peak was ascertained by comparative evaluation of the on-line UV spectra of the eluted compounds with those of the reference compounds. The method has been validated with respect to various parameters of performance quality including computation regression analysis based on calibration curves, peak resolution factor, asymmetry factor, tailing factor, RSD (%) of retention time and peak area response, limit of quantivation, limit of detection, precision and recovery. The developed method has been applied to the analysis of leaf and root tissues of Withania somnifera for withanolide content. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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