Age-related scattered hypofluorescent spots on late-phase indocyanine green angiograms.

Autor: Shiraki, Kunihiko, Moriwaki, Mitsuyasu, Kohno, Takeya, Yanagihara, Nobuyo, Miki, Tokuhiko
Zdroj: International Ophthalmology; Mar1999, Vol. 23 Issue 2, p105-109, 5p
Abstrakt: Purpose: Scattered hypofluorescent spots may be seen on indocyanine green (ICG) angiograms of regions that do not show abnormalities when viewed with an ophthalmoscope. Hypofluorescent spots are found in several pathologic conditions, typically in inflammatory diseases. In this report, we describe hypofluorescent spots in normal fundi and show that such spots can be age-related. Methods: Video-fundus camera ICG angiograms of 115 eyes of 109 patients aged 12 to 85 years with normal fundi or with only age-related maculopathy were reviewed. The relation between age and scattered hypofluorescent spots, and between age-related maculopathy and spots was examined utilising regression analysis. Results: Scattered hypofluorescent spots were seen throughout the posterior pole in 24 eyes of 23 patients and in a portion of the posterior pole in 30 eyes of 29 patients. The hypofluorescent spots were noted between 26 and 37 minutes after dye injection. Patient age ranged from 51 to 80 years, and regression analysis showed that the frequency of hypofluorescent spots increased significantly with aging (p < 0.05). However, age-related maculopathy did not show a significant relation to the spots. Conclusion: Scattered hypofluorescent spots seen in the posterior pole during the late-phase of ICG angiograms can apparently be due to aging of the fundus. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index