Exotic Amino Acids. 8. Synthesis of Monomethyl Esters of N-Arylaminomethylenemalonic Acids.

Autor: Zicane, D., Ravina, I., Tetere, Z., Rijkure, I., Petrova, M., Kalejs, U.
Zdroj: Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds; Jul2002, Vol. 38 Issue 7, p840-845, 6p
Abstrakt: N-Arylaminomethyleneisopropylidenemalonates, obtained from ethoxymethyleneisopropylidenemalonate and aromatic amines, underwent methanolysis to form monomethyl esters of N-arylaminomethylenemalonic acids. The conditions of their formation and their yields depend on the nature and positions of the substituents in the aromatic ring of the initial amine. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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