Autor: Haagensen, Erik, Salomon, Andrew, Rock, Ben, Sheward, David, Carpenter, Cassie, Langone, Heather, Riley, Jenelle, Dewey, Jessyca, Kuhn, Sarah, Margolles, Dany, Butler, Laura A., Horwitz, Simi, Tipton, Janelle
Zdroj: Back Stage (1946-5440); 1/15/2009, Vol. 50 Issue 3, pA12-A19, 8p, 40 Color Photographs
Abstrakt: The article presents a voters guide for the Screen Actors Guild awards for acting in a television movie or mini series. Among male actors, Ralph Fiennes, who stands out as a dashingly romantic heterosexual in "Bernard and Doris" is nominated for an Emmy Award and a Golden Globe. Kiefer Sutherland's performance in "24: Redemption," is nominated for a Golden Globe. Among female actors, Phylicia Rashad is nominated for an Emmy Award for her performance in "A Raisin in the Sun."
Databáze: Complementary Index
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