Study of the N = 28 shell closure in the Ar isotopic chain.

Autor: Fülöp, Zsolt, Gyürky, György, Somorjai, Endre, Gaudefroy, L., Sorlin, O., Beaumel, D., Blumenfeld, Y., Dombrádi, Z., Fortier, S., Franchoo, S., Gélin, M., Gibelin, J., Grévy, S., Hammache, F., Ibrahim, F., Kemper, K., Kratz, K. L., Lukyanov, S. M., Monrozeau, C., Nalpas, L.
Zdroj: 2nd International Conference on Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics; 2006, p309-314, 6p
Abstrakt: The structure of the neutron-rich nucleus 47Ar has been investigated through the d(46Ar,47Ar)p transfer reaction. The radioactive beam of 46Ar at 10 A · MeV was provided by the SPIRAL facility at GANIL. The protons corresponding to a neutron pick-up on bound or unbound states mechanism in 47Ar nuclei were detected at backward angles by the position-sensitive Si array-detector MUST. The transfer-like ejectiles were detected in the SPEG spectrometer. Level scheme, spin assignments and spectroscopic factors have been deduced for 47Ar and compared to shell model predictions. They suggest a slight erosion of the N=28 shell gap from the weakening of the spin-orbit interaction arising from the f and p orbitals. These spectroscopic information are subsequently used to infer (n, γ) reaction rates in the Ar isotopic chain to understand the origin of the 48Ca/46Ca abnormal isotopic ratio observed in certain inclusions of meteorites. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index