One-Pass Dyeing of Cotton/Nylon Blends.

Autor: Saad, I. A., Black, R. P. S., W. G. Wygand, Matthews, B. L.
Zdroj: Textile Chemist & Colorist; 6/4/1969, Vol. 1 Issue 12, p17-20, 4p
Abstrakt: Most nylon/cotton blends are dyed fay a costly two-step process in order to achieve necessary colorfastness. This paper describes technology for continuous one-pass range dyeing of cotton/nylon blends. Nylon/cotton fabrics are produced which do not frost at points of wear, at costs equal to or slightly below those for polyester/cotton blends. Fabrics produced are suitable for both durable press and conventional garments. The process has been successfully demonstrated on commercial equipment over a range of shades, fabric styles and nylon blend levels, with acceptable fabric frosting, appearance and colorfastness. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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