Quadruple-bend achromatic low emittance lattice studies.

Autor: Wang, M. H., Chang, H. P., Chao, H. C., Chou, P. J., Kuo, C. C., Tsai, H. J., Lee, S. Y., Tam, W. M., Wang, F.
Zdroj: Review of Scientific Instruments; May2007, Vol. 78 Issue 5, p055109, 8p, 1 Chart, 8 Graphs
Abstrakt: A quadruple-bend achromatic (QBA) cell, defined as a supercell made of two double-bend cells with different outer and inner dipole bend angles, is found to provide a factor of 2 in lowering the beam emittance relative to the more conventional double-bend achromat. The ratio of bending angles of the inner dipoles to that of the outer dipoles is numerically found to be about 1.5–1.6 for an optimal low beam emittance in the isomagnetic condition. The QBA lattice provides an advantage over the double-bend achromat or the double-bend nonachromat in performance by providing a small natural beam emittance and some zero-dispersion straight sections. A lattice with 12 QBA cells and a preliminary dynamic aperture study serves as an example. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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