Transition metal interaction and Ni-Fe-Cu-Si phases in silicon.

Autor: Heuer, M., Buonassisi, T., Istratov, A. A., Pickett, M. D., Marcus, M. A., Minor, A. M., Weber, E. R.
Zdroj: Journal of Applied Physics; 6/15/2007, Vol. 101 Issue 12, p123510, 6p, 6 Diagrams, 2 Graphs
Abstrakt: In the present article we characterize several intermetallic phases of the Cu-Ni-Fe-Si system found as precipitates in the misfit dislocation layer of intentionally contaminated and slowly cooled Si1-xGex/Si-heterostructures. The clusters showed a characteristic phase speciation into a Cu-rich part similar to Cu3Si and an Fe-Ni-Cu-Si phase similar to NiSi2. It is suggested that the precipitate formation of the investigated intermetallic silicides involves a homogeneous precursor phase at higher temperatures that later decomposes into the observed phases. Our results indicate that chemical reactions between metals and silicon during precipitation may reduce the lattice mismatch compared to single-metal precipitates, rendering mixed-metal-silicide precipitates more stable and energetically favorable. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index