Lights, Camera, Suspension: Freezing the Frame on the Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf-Anthem Controversy.

Autor: Grewal, Zareena
Zdroj: Souls: A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture & Society; Apr-Jun2007, Vol. 9 Issue 2, p109-122, 14p, 1 Black and White Photograph, 2 Illustrations
Abstrakt: In March 1996, Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf (formerly Chris Jackson), Muslim guard of the Denver Nuggets, caused a stir when the NBA suspended him for refusing to stand during the national anthem. His stance, although consistent with the political orientation of many African-American Muslims, perplexed many immigrant Muslims unfamiliar with the long history of American dissent. By reexamining this controversy and the centrality of the media as the stage where the competition for religious authority was enacted, Abdul-Rauf's life serves as an ethnographic window into Muslim American communities and into competing constructions of race and patriotism. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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