Assessment of Topical PUVA in Acral Vitiligo.

Autor: Abd Allah, Marwa Abdul Rahim, Elfattah Afify, Ahmed Abd, ElSayed ElSawy, Hana Mohammed
Zdroj: QJM: An International Journal of Medicine; 2024 Supplement, Vol. 117, pii88-ii88, 1p
Abstrakt: Acral vitiligo is a resistant subtype of vitiligo that does not respond easily to any treatment modalities. Topical psoralen plus ultraviolet A (topical PUVA) therapy is an option in case of localized dermatosis such as acral vitiligo. Ultraviolet A therapy can penetrate the dermis of the skin. This study objective was to evaluate the effect of topical PUVA in acral vitiligo. Methods: Patients in this prospective randomized-controlled comparative clinical trial were divided in to two groups, first group received narrow band ultraviolet B (NB-UVB) and topical PUVA at the same time, second group were already on NB-UVB and topical PUVA were added. Patients received 36 sessions of phototherapy over a period of 16 weeks. Every patient was evaluated monthly using point counting. Results: No statistically significant difference was found between both groups regarding response. Conclusion: Topical PUVA is of limited use in acral vitiligo. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index