Studies from Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Describe New Findings in Reperfusion Injury (Ginsenoside Rb2 inhibits p300-mediated SF3A2 acetylation at lysine 10 to promote Fscn1 alternative splicing against myocardial...).

Zdroj: Blood Weekly; 11/7/2024, p631-631, 1p
Abstrakt: A study from Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine explores how Ginsenoside Rb2 inhibits p300-mediated SF3A2 acetylation at lysine 10 to promote Fscn1 alternative splicing against myocardial ischemic/reperfusion injury. The research aims to understand the mechanisms of ginsenosides in regulating protein acetylation for cardiomyocyte protection. By identifying ginsenoside monomers like Rb2, the study suggests a potential approach for preventing and treating myocardial ischemic diseases through mitochondrial function enhancement. This research provides insights into the protective effects of ginsenosides on cardiomyocytes by inhibiting specific acetylation processes, offering a promising avenue for future treatments. [Extracted from the article]
Databáze: Complementary Index