Symptomatic right side extralobular pulmonary sequestration in a young woman: A rare case report.

Autor: Alemu, Meiraf Bayouh, Getachew, Zenebe Daniel, Wondemagegn, Zeru Seyoum, Worku, Atsede Birhanu, Beyene, Hiwot Mehari, Tareke, Desalew Gedamu, Atalay, Adugnaw Atnafu
Zdroj: Clinical Case Reports; Sep2024, Vol. 12 Issue 9, p1-9, 9p
Abstrakt: Key Clinical Message: Pulmonary sequestration is uncommon congenital malformation. It is important to consider pulmonary sequestration even in young adults presenting with recurrent pneumonic symptoms because prompt surgical intervention is both feasible and curative. Moreover, in health settings lacking CT/MRI angiography service, pulmonary sequestration can be easily misdiagnosed as smear negative pulmonary tuberculosis. Therefore, strong clinical suspicion is required to prevent patient mismanagement. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index
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