A New Harvestman Genus Record for Turkey: Kovalius Tchemerı;s, 2023 (Opı;lı;ones: Sclerosomatidae, Leiobuninae)1.

Autor: Kurt, Kemal
Zdroj: Entomological News; Sep2024, Vol. 131 Issue 4, p186-192, 7p
Abstrakt: The genus Kovalius is recorded as new for the Turkish harvestman fauna by the collection of Kovalius logunoviTchemeris, 2023 from Kürtün district of Gümüşhane province, Turkey. Brief morphological descriptions are provided for the newly record species. Also, the genital morphology of the female was described and photographed for the first time. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index