Buah Buton: Simbol Pengaruh Kedudukan Adat dalam Adat Perpatih di Negeri Sembilan.

Zdroj: Akademika; 2024, Vol. 94 Issue 2, p129-162, 34p
Abstrakt: Wood carving is a traditional visual art that serves as architectural decoration in various cultures worldwide. However, issues involve the three-dimensional wood carvings of buah buton on traditional houses in Luak Tanah Mengandung, believed to symbolize one's status in Adat Perpatih. This article aims to analyze the relationship between buah buton and social status within the Adat Perpatih society in this region. To achieve this, the article employs qualitative research methodology, highlighting two approaches: field studies targeting four traditional houses in Luak Tanah Mengandung, Negeri Sembilan, and interviews involving six informants from diverse backgrounds. The findings indicate that buah buton can only be found on houses inhabited by individuals of high status. Furthermore, the number and positioning of buah buton vary among these houses. The application of buah buton in each house depends on specific spaces and is closely linked to Adat Perpatih. This is reinforced by the positioning of these elements, whether inside or outside the house, being associated with influential owners in the tradition. In conclusion, buah buton is not merely a house ornament; it symbolizes the owner's status within Adat Perpatih. The study's implications also highlight the significance of symbolism in influencing the social structure and community of this tradition. Therefore, the article suggests further research to expand the scope of comparing and contrasting buah buton within this customary society. This endeavor not only enriches the understanding of customs and culture but also aids in the preservation and conservation processes in the face of modernity. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index