Variant Choices of Future Time Reference in Galician: The Grammaticalization of [ haber (de) + infinitive] as a Window to Diachronic Change.

Autor: Brown, Esther L., Rivas, Javier
Zdroj: Languages; Apr2024, Vol. 9 Issue 4, p142, 13p
Abstrakt: Compared to neighboring Romance languages, Galician currently maintains a more ubiquitous usage of the construction [haber (present) + (de) + infinitive] as a future marker in variation with the periphrastic construction with ir 'go' and the morphological future. We examine this under-studied construction to gain a better understanding of Galician grammar and also contribute new data with which to consider diachronic change regarding the grammaticalization of the future from obligation markers. We conduct a variationist analysis of 1589 tokens of future forms in recorded conversations (CORILGA) in order to determine the frequency of usage, patterns of variation, linguistic conditioning and degree of grammaticalization of the periphrastic forms with haber and ir in contrast to the morphological variant. We find evidence to suggest that the periphrastic construction with haber is highly grammaticalized as a future marker and we identify factors of the production context that modulate the grammaticalization process. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index