Abstrakt: |
Metaphors and cultural values are two related things. Cultural values are part of human identity, and one of the ways to express them is through metaphor. Accordingly, this paper aims to study lexical metaphors concerning cultural values in Hamka's novel Di Bawah Lindungan Ka'bah. This study uses a quantitative and qualitative approach. The researchers used a quantitative approach to determine the distribution of lexical metaphors and a qualitative approach to examine the phenomenon of lexical metaphors. A total of 100 lexical metaphors from every page were collected as data for this study and analysed using the theory proposed by Newmark and Lakoff, and Johnson. Findings show that 14% of lexical metaphors are noun-noun comparisons, 32% are noun-verbs, 10% are noun-adjectives, 31% are verb-nouns, 6% are verb-adverbs, and 7% are comparisons of noun-adjectives. The metaphors contain the meaning of personification, hyperbole, and euphemism. Of the 100 lexical metaphors, 62% of the cultural values represent good values, whereas 38% represent bad values. Cultural values in various lexical metaphors are essential to educating and nurturing human legitimacy, especially in the era of Industry 4.0 and 5.0, where people must uphold human values. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] |