Measurement of argon excimers, Ar2*, in a cold atmospheric plasma jet using cavity ringdown spectroscopy.

Autor: Nave, A. S. C., Wubs, J. R., van Helden, J. H.
Zdroj: Applied Physics Letters; 10/30/2023, Vol. 123 Issue 18, p1-4, 4p
Abstrakt: The argon excimer ( Ar 2 * ) species is considered to play an important role in the chemistry of cold atmospheric plasma jets, notably in the formation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. In the present work, we demonstrate that cavity ringdown spectroscopy can be used to detect and quantitatively measure Ar 2 * in the effluent of a cold atmospheric plasma jet, the so-called kINPen-Sci. The spectroscopic features of the 5p π 3 Π g ← a3 Σ u + Δ ν = 0 and 7p σ 3 Σ g + ← a3 Σ u + (ν ′ - ν ″) systems were clearly identified allowing unambiguous assignment to the Ar 2 * species. A predominant absorption feature at 512 nm was used to determine the integrated density along the axis perpendicular to the gas flow. Assuming a homogeneous density distribution in the kINPen-Sci effluent, Ar 2 * densities from 1.8 × 1011 molecule · cm−3 at 0 mm to 1.3 × 1010 molecule · cm−3 at 4.2 mm below the nozzle tip were determined. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index