Balance energy based on duty cycle method for extending wireless sensor network lifetime.

Autor: Habeeb, Ibtisam J., Jasim, Hussein A., Hashim, Mustafa H.
Zdroj: Bulletin of Electrical Engineering & Informatics; Oct2023, Vol. 12 Issue 5, p3105-3114, 10p
Abstrakt: Due to the limited resources acquired by the sensor, energy consumption is one of the main issues that have drawn the attention of researchers in the field of wireless sensor networks (WSN). In this paper, we propose a new protocol based on the duty cycle method and the energy threshold. The suggested protocol aims to balance the traffic among all nodes. As a result, the energy consumption in the entire network will be balanced to prevent service interruptions on a portion of the network. Furthermore, a good result has been obtained compared to other related approaches. As the energy retention was 28%, 33% higher than the compared approach in member nodes, while nearby 33% and 61% in cluster heads. Moreover, the Suggested method outperforms expectations in terms of time, since it reduces the required transfer time by 60% less than the compared approaches. Also, the first dead member node occurs in many later rounds in the suggested method while there is no cluster head node die in 2,000 rounds. Finally, our research objective was met because the energy depletion process in the nodes was nearly convergent. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index