Autor: Galskova, Natalia D., Levchenko, Marina N., Shabanova, Veronika P., Skitina, Nina A., Krasnova, Irina A.
Zdroj: Youth Voice Journal; 2022 Spl Issue Vol2, p61-68, 8p
Abstrakt: Background: This paper discusses question? associated with the conceptual components and val-ue targets of modern professional linguistic education in Russia. The essence of two concepts, i.e. "linguistic education" and "content" in relation to their multidi- mensionality and the systemic nature of each of them is noted. Purpose: The purpose of this research is to conceptualize the specificity of modern professional linguistic education in Russia and highlight the axi- ological potential and value-based meanings reflected in its content. Design/methodology/approach: The study is based on the theoretical ideas of the axiological learner-centered and activity-based approaches. Meth-odologically it is supported by the critical analysis generalization, classification and pedagogical observation. Findings: Particular attention is paid to theii axiological (value-oriented) aspects related to moral and spiritual establishment of students learning a foreign language and culture of its bearer people, as well as to the formation of a system of values- and meanings-based relations determining behavioral (verbal and non-verbal) models of specialists -- non-native speakers of the language -- in conditions of professional communication. It is argued that linguistic education is distinguished by its tiered nature according to two grounds: as the educational agency to which the content is addressed and as the level of designing. devising, and implementing the said content. Conclusions: In language training of specialists, one must target not only at their communicative sphere of personality, but at its values- and meanings-based, motivational, and cognitive components, too. Meanwhile, it is crucial to take into account students' feelings and emotions sphere of personality and their humanist values; it matters as much to have students develop a motivated attitude to innovation self-education and the ability to interact with communication partners in socially determined and professional situations in a productive non-confrontational way. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index