Calculation of deflagration appearence in reactive gas mixes flows in two-dimensional regions.

Autor: Martyushov, Sergey Nicolaevich
Zdroj: AIP Conference Proceedings; 2023, Vol. 2872 Issue 1, p1-5, 5p
Abstrakt: Main preference of hydrogen as a fuel is detonation fuel cycle which is more energetic preferable in comparing with ordinary fuel cycle [1]. In connection with this preference problem of hydrogen detonation engine constructing is extreme actual. Perspective results are projects of pulsing detonation engine [1] and spin detonation engine [2,3]. Nowadays investigations in this field are provided mainly by mathematical modelling methods. Essential part of investigations is developing and improving of mathematical methods for numerical simulation of deflagration initiation and transition from deflagration to stable detonation in hydrogen-air gas mixes flows. From the kinetic point process of transition to detonation can be treated as transition from slowly deflagration to branching chain reaction in hydrogen-air mix. These reactions were developed by N.N. Semenov [4]. The main aim of this paper is compering of calculation results with using model of system of kinetic equation end one with branching chain reaction. This paper is implementation of author's result [13] to investigations of reactive mix flows [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index