Immune Responses in Lung Granulomas during Mtb/HIV Co-Infection: Implications for Pathogenesis and Therapy.

Autor: Kaushal, Deepak, Singh, Dhiraj K., Mehra, Smriti
Zdroj: Pathogens; Sep2023, Vol. 12 Issue 9, p1120, 13p
Abstrakt: HIV and TB are the cause of significant worldwide mortality and pose a grave danger to the global public health. TB is the leading cause of death in HIV-infected persons, with one in four deaths attributable to TB. While the majority of healthy individuals infected with M. tuberculosis (Mtb) are able to control the infection, co-infection with HIV increases the risk of TB infection progressing to TB disease by over 20-fold. While antiretroviral therapy (ART), the cornerstone of HIV care, decreases the incidence of TB in HIV-uninfected people, this remains 4- to 7-fold higher after ART in HIV-co-infected individuals in TB-endemic settings, regardless of the duration of therapy. Thus, the immune control of Mtb infection in Mtb/HIV-co-infected individuals is not fully restored by ART. We do not fully understand the reasons why Mtb/HIV-co-infected individuals maintain a high susceptibility to the reactivation of LTBI, despite an effective viral control by ART. A deep understanding of the molecular mechanisms that govern HIV-induced reactivation of TB is essential to develop improved treatments and vaccines for the Mtb/HIV-co-infected population. We discuss potential strategies for the mitigation of the observed chronic immune activation in combination with both anti-TB and anti-retroviral approaches. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index