Enhanced Sports Predictions: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Role and Performance of Predictive Analytics in the Sports Sector.

Autor: Tan, Xiaomeng
Zdroj: Wireless Personal Communications; Oct2023, Vol. 132 Issue 3, p1613-1636, 24p
Abstrakt: Several emerging industries are deploying Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data in many fields. The combination of AI and Big data can benefit sports in many ways. An effective sports prediction model can help athletes improve their sports performance by providing them with an additional training plan and ensuring their health. It is common to use artificial intelligence to predict sports results. Artificial intelligence-enabled predictive analytics can be used to improve an athlete's physical condition and performance. This study attempts to develop a sports predictive analytics system on the basis of AI and big data. This study examines the role of artificial intelligence and big data in the sports industry. The current research status of sports predictive analytics is reviewed through a literature search. Succeedingly, the analysis of the performance of the proposed system is carried out. The result of the study will encourage the use of AI and Big data in sports. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index