Communicating Mathematically: Comparison of Knowledge Structures in Teacher and Student Discourse in a Secondary Math Classroom.

Autor: Huang, Jingzi, Normandia, Bruce, Greer, Sandra
Zdroj: Communication Education; Jan2005, Vol. 54 Issue 1, p34-51, 18p, 9 Charts
Abstrakt: Using a functional linguistic theoretical and analytical framework, this study examines talk in a secondary mathematics class. Viewing communication as one of the key processes in building understanding, the study focuses on the different knowledge structures constructed and expressed by the teacher and the students in classroom discourse. Results examine the range of knowledge structures realized in both teacher and student discourse, and identify the gaps in knowledge structures expressed between teacher and student talk. Ultimately, this study provides instructional implications for classroom teachers to help them address new educational reforms that emphasize students' capability to communicate mathematically. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index