Abstrakt: |
(p. 22) Comparison of this passage, from the published I Failles i , with the diary-manuscript offers insight into Lahens's rewriting/archiving process. In the short chapter of I Failles i entitled "Continents a la dérive", Lahens reflects on the slow burn of planetary time: la terre nous paraissait encore tout à fait ferme sous nos pieds. In I Failles i , Lahens recounts the horror of seeing fragments of bodies in the streets: 'Un homme silencieux traverse la rue, son fils disloqué comme une marion-nette ensanglantée dans ses bras' (p. 17); 'Des corps aux bassins défoncés, aux crânes éclatés. To ensure the fragile text's preservation, scattered as its yellow pages are, Lahens weaves extracts from I Guillaume et Nathalie i into the narrative fabric of I Failles i , as in chapters 15, 18, 22, 27 and 31. [Extracted from the article] |