What is Kindness in Science and why does it matter?

Autor: Boulter, Jessica, Orozco Morales, Mariana Lizeth, Principe, Nicola, Tilsed, Caitlin M
Zdroj: Immunology & Cell Biology; Feb2023, Vol. 101 Issue 2, p97-103, 7p
Abstrakt: Diversity, equity, mental health, science communication, Kindness in Science, sustainable science To spark this conversation, our Kindness in Science initiative encouraged our research group to run an annual I Wellness 101 i session where the whole team watched a mental health literacy in academia video (Table 1). Keywords: diversity; equity; Kindness in Science; mental health; science communication; sustainable science EN diversity equity Kindness in Science mental health science communication sustainable science 97 103 7 02/06/23 20230201 NES 230201 Kindness in Science is a grassroots initiative to establish a scientific community built on diversity, respect and well-being, which would ultimately lead to happier scientists and better scientific outcomes. [Extracted from the article]
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