Factors Associated with Individuals' Likelihoodof Engaging in Various Minor Moraland Legal Violations.

Autor: Barnett, Mark A., Sanborn, Fred W., Shane, Andrea C.
Zdroj: Basic & Applied Social Psychology; Mar2005, Vol. 27 Issue 1, p77-84, 8p, 2 Charts
Abstrakt: Participants completed 3 questionnaires in which they (a) rated how likely they would be to engage in various minor moral and legal violations (MMLVs) if given the opportunity, (b) rated how serious it would be for an American college student to engage in each transgression, and (c) estimated the percentage of college students that would engage in each behavior if given the opportunity. Participants' responses suggested they would be more likely to engage in MMLVs that are perceived to be relatively common, do not seriously violate social or moral standards, are illegal but with a relatively low risk of"getting caught,"and do not involve an identifiable human victim than MMLVs not having these characteristics. In addition, participants expected a higher percentage of male than female college students to engage in various MMLVs; indeed, male participants reported a greater likelihood of engaging in several transgressions than did female participants, especially at violation levels that involve heightened risk taking. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index