90K (Mac-2 BP) in human milk.

Autor: D'Ostilio, N., Sabatino, G., Natoli, C., Ullrich, A., Iacobell, S.
Zdroj: Clinical & Experimental Immunology; Jun1996, Vol. 104 Issue 3, p543-546, 4p
Abstrakt: Human 90K, also known as Mac-2 binding protein (Mac-2 BP), is a secreted glycoprotein which is widely expressed, binds to the human macrophage-associated lectin Mac-2, and may have a role in host defence. We have measured the concentrations of 90K in human breast milk from eight healthy mothers delivering mature healthy infants after full-term pregnancy using a specific immunoenzymatic assay. Maximal 90K concentrations were observed on days 2-3 post-partum, and ranged from 13.4 to 79.2 µg/ml. The concentrations of 90K in the milk had no correlation with those in the maternal blood. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index