Impact Of Machine Learning In Human Resource Management: Towards The Modernization Of Leadership.

Autor: Miranda Cabrera, Rodrigo, Leon Ganchozo, Manuel, Oswaldo Rene, Rodríguez Salazar, Rojas Bujaico, Rafael Wilfredo, Samaniego, Héctor Huamán, Rojas Bujaico, John Fredy
Zdroj: Journal of Positive School Psychology; 2022 Special Issue, Vol. 6, p290-299, 10p
Abstrakt: In the era of fifth industrial revolution, organizations can definitely rely on technology to play a major role in human resource management. Internet of Things (IOT), Big Data, Cloud computing, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence are some of the technologies which are making this revolution a reality. Only a satisfied employee can be a productive employee and the retention rate is comparatively high for employees belonging to that category. Identifying the factors leading to satisfaction of employee will definitely assist management in introducing feasible factors among the ones identified. This is where machine learning comes into action. Machine learning techniques like classification and clustering play a major role in analyzing data as well as making effective predictions. In this paper an attempt is made to discuss the impact of machine learning on human resource management to control turnover of employees. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index