Localization of intercellular adherens junction protein p120 catenin during podocyte differentiation.

Autor: Usui, Joichi, Kurihara, Hidetake, Shu, Yujing, Tomari, Shinsuke, Kanemoto, Katsuyoshi, Koyama, Akio, Sakai, Tatsuo, Takahashi, Takamune, Nagata, Michio
Zdroj: Anatomy & Embryology; Feb2003, Vol. 206 Issue 3, p175-184, 10p
Abstrakt: To reveal the role of cadherin complex in podocyte differentiation, the present study describes the localization of the cadherin complex, including p120 catenin (p120ctn), in the developing and in the aminonucleoside nephrosis (PAN nephrosis) rat kidney, by immunofluorescence microscopy and immunogold electron microscopy. p120ctn and β-catenin were co-localized at the apical part of lateral cell membranes in presumptive podocytes of the S-shaped body, and their localization shifted to the basal margin of lateral cell membranes in the capillary loop stage. There was no expression of the cadherin complex at the slit diaphragm, the intercellular junction of mature podocytes. After the regression of the podocyte junctional structure in PAN nephrosis, the cadherin complex was not re-expressed. The dynamic changes in the localization of the cadherin complex suggest that the it plays an important role during podocyte differentiation, including the rearrangement of the intercellular junction and the formation of the slit diaphragm. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index