Description of Oionchus sindhicus n. sp., and Morphometric Data on O. paraobtusus Jairajpuri and Khan, 1982 and O. obtusus Cobb, 1913 (Nematoda: Mononchida) from Pakistan.

Autor: Ishaq, Uzma, Dawar, Shahnaz, Kazi, Nasira, Iqbal, Erum, Raza, Saboohi
Zdroj: Pakistan Journal of Zoology; Apr2022, Vol. 54 Issue 2, p993-996, 4p
Abstrakt: Oionchus sindhicus n. sp., is described from specimens collected from soil around the roots of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) from Umerkot, Sindh, Pakistan. The new species is characterized by having a combination of characters: body length of female 0.7-1.0 mm, vulva at 56-59 percent of body length, anterior part of buccal cavity 5-7 pm wide, pharynx 198-238 pm long, tail 30-33 pm long, post uterine sac 10-16 pm in length, apex of dorsal tooth 3-5 pm from anterior end. Morphometric and morphological data of O. paraobtusus Jairajpuri and Khan, 1982 and O. obtusus Cobb, 1913 are also given. These species are described and redescribed for the first time from Pakistan. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index