Co-pyrolysis-reforming of Biomass and Residues from Waste Polymer Pyrolysis for CO2 Reduction and Syngas Enhancement.

Autor: Miskolczi, Norbert, Zsinka, Viktória, Tóth, Orsolya, Eller, Zoltán, Ningbo Gao, Quan Cui, Bobek, Janka
Zdroj: CET Journal - Chemical Engineering Transactions; 8/1/2020, Vol. 81, p1195-1200, 6p
Abstrakt: The long term utilization of plastic wastes has an important environmental aspect. There is a great effort to waste polymer re-using, recycling and utilization. Chemical recycling can be an attractive possibility for waste polymer recycling not only from environmental, but also from energetic aspects. Especially the possibility for the energetic utilization is widely investigated. The product yield and structure are significantly affected by the process layout and parameters. The further utilization of the gases and pyrolysis oil are well investigated, however there are many unsolved questions regarding the residue. In this article, the value added utilization of waste derived heavy oil was investigated, emphasizing the increasing of the hydrogen content in the liquid hydrocarbons. Raw materials had been pyrolyzed in a horizontal tubular reactor at 550 °C, then the pyrolysis heavy oil were further treated to obtain valuable fractions with high hydrogen content. The results have shown that the re-using of waste derived heavy oil can increase the yield of volatiles, supporting the rearrangement of the molecules to rich favourable product. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index