Optimal two-stage sampling for mean estimation in multilevel populations when cluster size is informative.

Autor: Innocenti, Francesco, Candel, Math JJM, Tan, Frans ES, van Breukelen, Gerard JP
Zdroj: Statistical Methods in Medical Research; Feb2021, Vol. 30 Issue 2, p357-375, 19p
Abstrakt: To estimate the mean of a quantitative variable in a hierarchical population, it is logistically convenient to sample in two stages (two-stage sampling), i.e. selecting first clusters, and then individuals from the sampled clusters. Allowing cluster size to vary in the population and to be related to the mean of the outcome variable of interest (informative cluster size), the following competing sampling designs are considered: sampling clusters with probability proportional to cluster size, and then the same number of individuals per cluster; drawing clusters with equal probability, and then the same percentage of individuals per cluster; and selecting clusters with equal probability, and then the same number of individuals per cluster. For each design, optimal sample sizes are derived under a budget constraint. The three optimal two-stage sampling designs are compared, in terms of efficiency, with each other and with simple random sampling of individuals. Sampling clusters with probability proportional to size is recommended. To overcome the dependency of the optimal design on unknown nuisance parameters, maximin designs are derived. The results are illustrated, assuming probability proportional to size sampling of clusters, with the planning of a hypothetical survey to compare adolescent alcohol consumption between France and Italy. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index