The Relationship of Intelligence and Health Perceptions.

Autor: Zahroh, Chilyatiz, Khamida, Anggraini, Rahayu, Yusuf, Ah., Ketut Sudiana, I.
Zdroj: Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development; May2020, Vol. 11 Issue 5, p634-637, 4p
Abstrakt: Perception is cognitive process. Perception influenced by intelligence. Until now there has been no research on intelligence and perception. The purpose of this study was to investigate on relationship between intelligence and health perception. The study was correlational descriptive . The sample consisted of 80 persons of Spiritual lectures at the Council of Dhikr, Sidoarjo, Indonesia. The Intelligence: Spiritual, Emotional and Adversity) Inventory were used as a research instrument. The Pearson correlation method were used for statistical analysis. The results show that there was a positive and significant relationship between spiritual intelligence and health perception. However, there were unsignificant relationship between emotional and adversity with health perception. Spiritual Intelligence most related with health perception. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index