New Fixed Point Results via (θ,ψ)R-Weak Contractions with an Application.

Autor: Imdad, Mohammad, Ali, Based, Alfaqih, Waleed M., Sessa, Salvatore, Aldurayhim, Abdullah
Zdroj: Symmetry (20738994); Jun2020, Vol. 12 Issue 6, p887-887, 1p
Abstrakt: In this paper, inspired by Jleli and Samet (Journal of Inequalities and Applications 38 (2014) 1–8), we introduce two new classes of auxiliary functions and utilize the same to define (θ , ψ) R -weak contractions. Utilizing (θ , ψ) R -weak contractions, we prove some fixed point theorems in the setting of relational metric spaces. We employ some examples to substantiate the utility of our newly proven results. Finally, we apply one of our newly proven results to ensure the existence and uniqueness of the solution of a Volterra-type integral equation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index
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