Tessier 30 Median Mandibular Hard and Soft Tissue Cleft, One-Stage Reconstruction Using a Template-Guided Resorbable "U"-Shaped Plate.

Autor: Walker, Tom W. M., Ahmadi-Lari, Nazanin, Pellatt, Annie, Cobb, Alistair R. M.
Zdroj: Cleft Palate Craniofacial Journal; Oct2019, Vol. 56 Issue 9, p1249-1252, 4p
Abstrakt: Midline clefts of the lower lip, tongue, and mandible are a rare type of facial cleft classified as "Tessier 30." We present the case of a female patient with an isolated Tessier 30 facial cleft affecting the tongue, lower lip, and mandibular symphysis with ankyloglossia. This was reconstructed with a template-guided resorbable "U"-shaped plate at 10 months of age. The procedure was carried out in one stage, which avoided the need for a repeat general anesthetic for the patient. We had a successful outcome with normal dental eruption and we believe such an approach could be considered as a relevant treatment modality for future cases. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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