Hybrid-Integrated Lab-on-a-Chip for Total Express-Microbiological Analysis: State of the Art and the Nearest Perspectives.

Autor: Zimina, T. M., Luchinin, V. V., Sitkov, N. O., Gvozdev, Yu. A., Lemoserskii, V. E., Orekhov, Yu. D.
Zdroj: AIP Conference Proceedings; 2019, Vol. 2140 Issue 1, p020084-1-020084-4, 4p
Abstrakt: The layout of hybrid-integrated laboratory on-a-chip and features of its main functional elements are presented. The architecture of this new generation miniature device for express identification and antibiotic resistance testing of microorganisms, physical principles and technologies for creating functional components and their integration into a single system are discussed. The microbiological sample is processed and analyzed on the basis of the principles of miniaturization and “digitalization” via generating individual bacteria microcolonies of about 1000 CFU in size. Transport and address delivery of microcolonies are accomplished by microfluidic technology. The main functional components include a nanoporous growth platform, a system of observation, capture and pattern recognition of microcolonies, valves and manipulators based on acoustic actuators, optical and impedimetric systems for determining the viability of microorganisms. Analyzed are the state of the art and prospects of the concept and technology. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index