Ang mga Ideolohiyang Politikal na Nakapaloob sa Rosales Saga ni F. Sionil Jose.

Autor: Felicilda, Joshua Mariz, Demeterio III, F. P. A.
Zdroj: Humanities Diliman; 2019, Vol. 16 Issue 1, p110-133, 24p
Abstrakt: This paper aims to identify the political ideologies contained in the five novels of F. Sionil Jose's Rosales Saga: The Pretenders; My Brother, My Executioner; Tree; Mass; and Poon. This paper used as its hermeneutical lens the two-dimensional ideological spectrum that was developed by F.P.A. Demeterio, in his book Ang Mga Ideolohiyang Politikal ng Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines, from an analogous construct of the German theorist Hans Slomp. Demeterio's ideological spectrum carries eight different political ideologies: radical libertarianism, radical authoritarianism, liberal libertarianism, liberal authoritarianism, moderate, conservative libertarianism, conservative authoritarianism, and reactionism. To attain this paper's goal, it has f ive substantive sections that study each of the five novels of Rosales Saga. Each of the five sections analyzes primary messages and themes of the said novels, delves into the novels' stand on status quo and change, as well as into the novels'' esteem for the individual or state, before it can finally pass judgment on the overall political ideologies of the said novels. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index