Manual-Observing Procedure: an Alternative to the Investigation of Stimulus Control and Equivalence Classes in Matching-to-Sample.

Autor: Soares-Filho, Paulo Sérgio Dillon, de Carvalho, Lígia Mosolino, de Moraes Hamasaki, Eliana Isabel, Campos, Heloísa Cursi, Perez, William Ferreira, Arntzen, Erik, Tomanari, Gerson Yukio
Zdroj: Psychological Record; Jun2019, Vol. 69 Issue 2, p165-174, 10p
Abstrakt: This experiment presents a manual-observing procedure as an inexpensive alternative for investigating stimulus control and establishing equivalence classes in a matching-to-sample task (MTS). To illustrate the procedure, we evaluated the effects of different MTS training structures on observing responses and equivalence class formation. Participants had to press a button below each covered sample and comparison stimuli to reveal the stimulus. Four participants were exposed to two different sequences of the many-to-one (MTO) and one-to-many (OTM) procedures, using the manual-observing procedure during training and testing. The results showed that the manual-observing procedure allowed participants to acquire conditional discriminations and form equivalence classes, suggesting that the use of manual-observing responses in an MTS procedure is a useful procedure to evaluate stimulus control in an MTS task. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index
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