Abstrakt: |
Use of Larvivorous fishes is the best medium in controlling immature mosquitoes and thereby in reducing spread of mosquito borne diseases. Several species of fresh water fishes feed on immature stages of mosquito larvae and are of considerable value in controlling mosquito population. A study was conducted in Doon valley with an aim to document the larvivorous fish fauna. Study revealed the occurrence of 20 species of larvivorous fishes under 4 orders, 7 families and 15 genera. Categorization of fish was done as voracious feeder (Trichogaster fasciata, Esomus danrica, Rasbora daniconius, Danio rerio, Gambusia affinis, Poecilia reticulata, Aphanius dispar and Aplocheilus panchax), opportunistic feeder (Channa punctata, Channa gachua, Channa striata, Channa marulius, Mystus vittatus, Mystus tengara, Mystus seengtee and Amblypharyngodon mola) and moderate feeder (Barilius bendelisis, Puntius sophore, Pethia ticto and Devario devario) based on their feeding potential. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] |