Diffusion Coefficients of REE (II) and (III) Ions (REE = Sm, Eu, Yb) in Molten Eutectic Mixture of Sodium, Potassium and Cesium Chlorides.

Autor: Tropin, O. A., Golovanova, O. A., Volkovich, V. A.
Zdroj: AIP Conference Proceedings; 2018, Vol. 2015 Issue 1, p1-5, 5p
Abstrakt: Diffusion coefficients of samarium, europium and ytterbium (II) and (III) ions in the melts based on the ternary 6NaCl-5KCl-9CsCl eutectic mixture were determined. The experiments were performed between 823 and 1023 K employing cyclic voltammetry on a tungsten working electrode. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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