Stabilities of protonated water-ammonia clusters.

Autor: Sundén, A. E. K., Støchkel, K., Hvelplund, P., Brøndsted Nielsen, S., Dynefors, B., Hansen, K.
Zdroj: Journal of Chemical Physics; 5/14/2018, Vol. 148 Issue 18, pN.PAG-N.PAG, 9p, 2 Diagrams, 6 Graphs
Abstrakt: Branching ratios of water and ammonia evaporation have been measured for spontaneous evaporation from protonated mixed clusters H+(H2O)n(NH3)m in the size range 0 ≤ n ≤ 11 and 0 ≤ m ≤ 7. Mixed clusters evaporate water except for clusters containing six or more ammonia molecules, indicating the formation of a stable core of one ammonium ion surrounded by four ammonia molecules and a second shell consisting predominantly of water. We relate evaporative branching ratios to free energy differences between the products of competing channels and determine the free energy differences for clusters with up to seven ammonia molecules. Clusters containing up to five ammonia molecules show a very strong scaling of these free energy differences. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index