Oltářní reliéfy v kostele Vzkříšení Páně ve Slavkově u Brna a jejich tvůrci.

Autor: Orviská, Katarína
Zdroj: Opuscula Historae Artium; 2017, Vol. 66 Issue 1, p96-115, 20p
Abstrakt: Based on newly found archive sources, this paper provides hitherto unpublished information on the creation of sculpted decorations of the Church of the Resurrection of our Lord in Austerlitz / Slavkov u Brna. These decorations were created at the request of State Chancellor Wenzel Anton, Prince of Kaunitz-Rietberg (1711-1794) in 1789. The stucco altar reliefs of the Slavkov church, one of the most influential religious buildings in Central Europe built in 1786-1789 according to the project of architect Johann Ferdinand Hetzendorf von Hohenberg (1733-1816), was created by Viennese academic sculptors Franz Zacherle (1738-1801), Franz Thaller (1759-1817), Florian Griebler (1746-1813), August Robatz (1757-1815) and Mathieu Renson (1753-?). In addition to the historical reconstruction of the creation of the artistic decoration of the Slavkov church and its art-history analysis, the study also summarizes findings on the life and work of the individual sculptors and recapitulates the primary milestones of their artistic careers. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index