Speaker Recognition Exploiting D2D Communications Paradigm: Performance Evaluation of Multiple Observations Approaches.

Autor: Bisio, Igor, Lavagetto, Fabio, Garibotto, Chiara, Sciarrone, Andrea
Zdroj: Mobile Networks & Applications; Dec2017, Vol. 22 Issue 6, p1045-1057, 13p
Abstrakt: The diffusion of Device-to-Device (D2D) communications opens the door to exploit the contributions of multiple Mobile Devices (MDs) to accomplish collaborative tasks. In this paper a speaker recognition algorithm for MDs based on a multiple-observations approach is presented. We propose various fusion and clustering algorithms aimed at efficiently exploiting data coming from MDs. Numerical results show that in many cases our multiple-observation approach is able to significantly improve the accuracy of the considered speaker recognition algorithm. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index