Mechanism-based design of labile precursors for chromium(i) chemistry.

Autor: Akturk, Eser S., Yap, Glenn P. A., Theopold, Klaus H.
Zdroj: Chemical Communications; 10/28/2015, Vol. 51 Issue 84, p15402-15405, 4p
Abstrakt: Dinitrogen complexes of the type TpR,RCr–N2–CrTpR,R are not the most labile precursors for Cr(i) chemistry, as they are sterically protected from obligatory associative ligand substitution. A mononuclear alkyne complex – TptBu,MeCr(η2-C2(SiMe3)2) – proved to be much more reactive. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index