The interlocking paradigm of cultural competence: a best practice approach.

Autor: Warren BJ
Zdroj: Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association; Dec2002, Vol. 8 Issue 6, p209-213, 5p
Abstrakt: Cultural competence is a key factor in the delivery of quality psychiatric mental health (PMH) nursing care. The Interlocking Paradigm of Cultural Competence (IPCC) is a best-practice model developed from the work of Peplau, Leininger, Nichols, Campinha-Bacote, and Purnell. The IPCC has five interlocking factors (therapeutic, value, world view, process, and orientation) representing theoretical, philosophical, process, and assessment components. This article presents a discussion of the factors within the paradigm and the applicability and implications of the paradigm for PMH nurses' use with their clients from diverse racial and ethnic cultural groups. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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